What we need: a Loose Definition of Compulsory Education
Don’t hastily promote the 12 years compulsory education unless the Ministry of Education takes the loose definition of what compulsory education means.
Currently, the curriculum of the junior and senior high schools seems biased toward those students with the high academic-ability, those making up roughly 20% the islands’ entire students body. As a result, 40-70 percent of the students become “guests of the classrooms”, This means that most students just boringly accompany the top-tier classmates when they are studying.
Why do the elite make the curriculum so difficult and unpopular? In a sense, it’s one kind of disaster of the elite’s good will, a good will that leads to a bad result.
Do we continuously acquiesce in the curriculum and further agree to extend the compulsory education for an additional three years? This is a big issue that requires us to give well-rounded and profound consideration to it.